Our 1-2-1 sessions are unique and specialised for each player! These are the most popular sessions that we do and we get great feedback from them.
Before each session the coaches will get an understanding of the player from a small description of the player themselves or the parent... From this, the coaches can have a good understanding of what to work on and what to include in their sessions. The coaches will mould their sessions around the strengths and areas for improvement of each player to make sure they work on both sides of their game.
We look to plan sessions to work on different areas of the 4 corner model for the players; Technical, Physical, Psychological, Social...
These sessions can be very flexible with how the player wants to work and get out of each session.
Our paired sessions are also very popular. If the player feels like they want someone to train with or wants to have some fun with a mate or even to challenge themselves by getting different outcomes from the session, then the paired sessions are perfect for them!
Once again, before each session the coaches will be aware of the strengths and areas of improvement of both the players, to make sure this session is specific to them. We often ask the players and parents what they would like to work on to take their game to the next level!
We look to plan sessions to work on different areas of the 4 corner model for the players; Technical, Physical, Psychological, Social...
These sessions can be very flexible with how the player wants to work and get out of each session.
Our group sessions have been a hit. They've mainly been running every Saturday afternoon, scheduled to change some days. The age for these group sessions are between 5-13.
Alternatively, you can create your own group session. If your son/ daughter had a few mates and they all wanted a session, then there will be a price per player to pay, where a specific group session will be carried out just for them!
The group sessions are loads of fun with loads of mini games. The kids learn something every session and come away from each session looking forward to the next one!
I also do sessions for local teams, of any age/ ability. If a team wants some assistance or wants to their team to experience some professional training sessions then I will always try my best to get down to facilitate, depending on my availability!
We've had some really good feedback in the past when coming down to local boys and girls teams, and we look forward to continuing this success with many more.
Our zoom session were a massive success during the Covid period! Zoom sessions have slowed down since the restrictions have been lifted, however these are another great alternative to do if you are not close to us or if the weather is too poor to do a session!
People think that these sessions are easy and that they won't get anything out of them. Wrong! You can actually make these sessions really tough physically and technically believe it or not. You can never get enough of these types of drills which is why it was such a huge success when keeping everyone ticking over during the covid spell.
We supply fun, entertaining birthday party’s for any age and any ability!
We like to listen to what the parents of the kids would like, and we plan a session around what they may want.
CPC do birthday parties in gardens, local fields, sports halls and more! Just put in A request and we will do our best to fulfil!
So, don’t think twice and get in touch with CPC now for any birthday request you may have!
Casey Pettit Coaching also put on regular holiday camps every half term/ full term breaks!
We have had excellent feedback from parents and kids from all of our holiday camps in the past and we look forward to welcoming so many of you to our next camp!
Keep your eyes peeled on our website as booking pages will go live for the camps, so be ready, you don’t want to miss out…
Casey Pettit Coaching